Thursday, January 28, 2010

10 links

Mind Agility in a Box

1 Size of Brain Region Affects Video Game Performance


Mishaps at the MET (NMD2)

A few days ago a woman fell onto Picasso's 6'x4' painting entitled "The Actor" from his rose period. it is 105 years old. The painting was ripped in the right bottom corner. Now the Met is questioning how to fix this old painting. Its value is estimated around $100 million.

I personally feel that the painting should not be fixed. I realize their techniques must be very professional and could potentially fix it without it being noticeable, however, I feel that the canvas is too old to be tampered with. It is better to let it be than to try and fix it and take a risk ruining it.

Purify the Air (NMD2)

I love nature so when came across this article it immediately had an impact on me. A radiator company called Jaga created a system to help keep CO2 levels lower in public places like offices and classrooms. The picture above is a system called Andrea. It was on display at the MOMA during the Design and the elastic mind last year. This is a revolutionary twist on household plants. This creation "maximizes the potential of using plants"!

I love this idea. The designers have found a beautiful balance between machine design and using natural plants!

Here is the designers website!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010



I found this on Core77. I enjoy the photos and found inspiration within this exhibition. This took place during October in the Netherlands. The paper zoo is super impressive. The 3D sculptures are amazing! Check out the video!

The Origin of Pieces unit takes an interesting spin on furniture. More furniture can be seen at the designer's web site:

Le Lab

Designhuis combined different elements in a fresh playful mood.
I especially liked the Ceramic & Architecture section. I love architectural designs and the textures created are innovative and eye-catching.

More can be seen at the European Ceramic Work Center website.
The Dutch have a diverse and inspiring sense of texture combinations.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Theme Idea

"Big Brains for Video Games" Interactive Brain Yoga.. Send your mind to the gym..
Scientists discover link between video game understanding and the growth of 3 parts within cerebal cortex of the brain. It is almost possible to determine how well one will perform judging simply from the volume of the 3 parts.