Monday, February 8, 2010

Can you guess what this is made from?

Organelle Design

Alex and Courtney (Organelle Design) are passionate about creatively repurposing off-the-shelf products and found objects. They presented their work at Pecha Kucha a few days ago and it was the highlight of the evening. The entire place erupted with cheers when images of their chandeliers made out of clothes hangers appeared on screen.

I found this on BOOOOOOOM, a design community built by Jeff Hamada from Vancouver

I couldn't believe that these were made from recycled hangers. This reminded me of the bottle-hanger, Owen had talked about in class. These look so elegant for such an ugly hanger. I love the direction of this design. Giving new use and ideas to old products or junk we all have collected at some point.

here are some interesting curtains attached to bicycle tires from Organelle Design

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