Sunday, May 2, 2010

worldy animals

TWELVE ANIMALS by Graflex Directions

Kentaro Nagai, founder of Graflex Directions/graphic design studio, is sharing with Yatzer readers his concept behind one of our favorite projects from his portfolio; The TWELVE ANIMALS.
"I came up with this idea as I was planning for the content of New Year’s greeting cards for 2005. The image of the war in Iraq was still lingering on at the time in 2004. It could only have been because I was so benumbed by a peaceful life in Japan, but I naively believed that there would be no war in the 21st century. Even after the so-called century of wars, not having learnt the lesson from the past, human beings are still burning the flame of wars. The profit-seeking economic system may be a cause of this. I felt that we human beings will never unite as one unless we are in an equally threatening situation such as the one caused by aliens from outer space attacking the earth."

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